Quick And Easy Tips For Picking Good Debate Topics

A debate is a formal discussion or meeting where ideas and critical viewpoints are shared among a group of people. It challenges the speakers to conduct careful research on both sides of the argument and come up with authentic evidence to support their chosen side. Debates in schools and colleges help to improve the students’ understanding of critical concepts and makes them better prepared for diverse career prospects. 
Let’s take a closer look at the essentials of how to find the right topic for a debate.
  1. Choose what interests you
Instead of starting your brainstorming sessions with “I wonder what people will like to hear about!” think of an idea that YOU would like people to ponder on. While choosing a topic, it becomes vital to pick one that is of interest to you. Selecting a topic just for the sake of entertaining others will keep you from putting forward your best effort. Of course, you must also pick something people care about, but it must be within your comfort zone as well.
  1. Choose a relevant theme
Stick with a topic that people will want to know more about. You can check in with your friends or ask your family members for suggestions to see which topics they find intriguing. While brainstorming, keep in mind that the theme topic needs to be relevant and current. You might be comfortable to debate about using swords in a battle, but the issue will not be as relevant as using tactical nuclear bombs.
  1. Narrow down the theme
Don’t commit the mistake of choosing a general topic, thinking that it will give you some wiggle room. Most likely, it will lead to a debate without focus. Instead, try to zero in on any one aspect of the topic and narrow it down. In case you are looking for some quick suggestions, try opening up a periodical or turning on the news. You can also visit online news portals for a plethora of possible top debating topics
Once you have decided on a theme, try choosing one concrete case to discuss. For example, if you are interested in discussing about politics decide what part of it you want to discuss about. You can talk about the policies of a particular politician or how the policy affects the people of the country as a whole.
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